How To Occupy Your Time During Lockdown

With more lockdowns taking effect all over the globe, figuring out how you’re going to occupy your time whilst staying at home is likely to be at the front of your mind. The sheer boredom endured by so many during the last lockdown orders is a thought that can inspire dread and disappointment, but luckily it needn’t be this way for long. There are so many ways that you can occupy your time during stay at home orders, so you can kiss goodbye to the hours spent scrolling through your phone to introduce new, exciting activities that can keep you busy! So, if you would like to find out more about how you can have fun, learn and grow whilst abiding by the stay at home guidelines, then read on to uncover some of the very best ideas and concepts that you can make the most of today!

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Watch A New Film Or Show

Potentially the easiest activity that you can take part in when stuck indoors involves all things television. There’s a seemingly endless supply of amazing films and shows for you to enjoy, whether you’re into dramatic action movies or tantalising thriller shows, and all you need to is switch on your television set to find hundreds of different options to choose between. If you can’t find something that you enjoy on the TV then don’t fret, as the internet maintains millions of films and shows that you can watch in just a few taps! In recent years video subscription services have taken the world by storm, as they host the most talked about films and shows as well as creating their own new ideas and concepts that can be shared with users each day. It’s just a small fee for such a wide variety of options, and the fact that there’s always going to be new films and shows will help you to kick boredom to the kerb no matter how long the next lockdown lasts. You can find wildlife documentaries, cooking shows, celebrity competitions and so much more, so start your search now to uncover the most interesting and engaging films and shows to add to your watch list.

Learn To Cook A New Meal

During lockdown, it’s likely you ate a lot more than usual. Whether this was due to stress, boredom, to find motivation to work or for any other reason, many people found that they increased their snack consumption quite dramatically, which then led to an eventual weight gain. Rather than taking this as an opportunity to fill your boots with unhealthy processed food, there’s never been a better time to learn how to cook a new nutritious meal. Having so much time on your hands opens up the ideal opportunity for you to get in the kitchen and cook up a storm, and it’s a great chance to learn a new valuable skill that can be utilised for years to come. Learning how to cook really isn’t as difficult as you might think, as you don’t need to overcomplicate things by trying to use many different ingredients and spices. Pick a cuisine that you really like, such as Italian food, and carry out some research online to find the best Italian chefs the world has stirred up. This way, you can find amazing recipe books, video tutorials and the very best advice from those who genuinely know how to make a delicious meal, rather than blindly following social media ‘cooks’ who create abominable mishmashes just to get more views. You can start off with a simple carbonara and work your way up to melanzane parmigiana, as there’s really nothing to hold you back from practicing regularly! Figuring out how to cook something tasty for your nearest and dearest can be so rewarding, and it may ignite a real passion for food and flavour that you never knew you had.

Take Part In Home Workouts

It’s so tempting to just sit on the sofa or lay in bed all day, but this really isn’t going to do anything to make you feel better. Rather than encouraging your waistline to expand as your muscles weaken and reduce in size, why not get up and take part in a home work out? You don’t need acres to a gym or sports centre to take part in daily exercise, nor do you need any special equipment or knowledge either. Home workouts have grown considerably in popularity since so many people made the switch to stay indoors, and this has simply thrown extra fuel on a fire that was already burning strong. Whether you’re seeking a high energy exercise plan that utilises HIIT (high intensity interval training) to help you burn up a sweat, or something more relaxed like Pilates or yoga to stretch your muscles and wake you up for the day ahead, there are just many options to explore. You can find trainer videos online that go through every step, as well as written manuals and even old school fitness DVDs to utilise too. If you’re not a big fan of these ideas then simply go your own way and make up your workout as you go along – just whack on some of the best 90s music that you can find and get moving. Rather than investing in any exercise equipment, you can use objects from around the home (such as canned food as weights) that can pose as a free alternative. Each time that you take part in a vigorous workout your body will release what’s known as endorphins, which is often referred to as a ‘runner’s high’. This feeling is mildly euphoric, and can encourage you to feel much more positive and happy!

Get Creative & Be Artistic

There’s no better time to express yourself in an artistic and creative way, as it’s unlikely you’ll ever get such a long period to stay at home in the future. Using this lockdown to let your creative juices flow could be just the boredom buster you need to stay sane, as you can really get involved with your artwork by wholly commuting yourself to the project at hand. Even if you have never picked up a paintbrush before, you have to start somewhere! There are so many forms of artwork that you can pursue, from clay modelling to sketching, creating clothes and performance art, so there’s almost guaranteed to be an avenue that you will thoroughly enjoy exploring. It’s a good idea to order yourself a range of different equipment online if you don’t have anything already, as things like paint and pencils can actually be really affordable. Take a walk around a local area of natural beauty, study your home in a way that you never have before, and search high and low for artistic inspiration that can light a fire underneath your canvas to ensure you create a beautiful piece. If you’re stuck coming up with ideas and just want to take part in some art for the calming effects, put on a Bob Ross tutorial and follow his voice and actions as he creates a stunning landscape piece – professional art tutors can provide you with all of the advice that you need to turn a blank canvas into an amazing piece of art, so try and find a professional that suits your personal style.

Organising & Cleaning

It’s one of those things that you likely put off and ignore, but organising and deep cleaning your home or surroundings can actually be a fun and rewarding activity. Keeping a clean home is so important for both your mental and physical health, as clutter causes distraction and inability to focus whilst dirt and bacteria can encourage viruses and other illnesses to spread. Start off with the basics, putting away any excess such as clothes back inside wardrobes, dishes inside cupboards and rubbish in the bin where it belongs, and then get to cleaning! Dig out your vacuum and suck up dirt and debris on the floor, using the hose device to reach on top of tall items that collect a lot of dust. Keep your windows open to let in some fresh air, and begin to wipe down surfaces with an antibacterial spray to kill viruses on contact. If you have hard floors then mix a little bleach into some boiling water and mop around at least twice, changing the water as you go to ensure you aren’t just spreading grime around. Tackle your bathroom separately, wearing thick gloves whilst using super strength cleaning sprays to break down and disintegrate dirt and bacteria for the perfect ultra clean feel. Light up a few candles or incense sticks once you’re all done, taking in your new fresh surroundings and feeling extremely proud of the work you’ve done!

Occupying your time during the next lockdown has never been so simple when you are able to make the most of the inventive ideas that have been detailed and explained above, so there’s really no need to fret over uncontrollable boredom.


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