The second installment from the mad cap duo!
I have to say before I start for those who don’t know this is episode 2 of 6 being released monthly by Telltale games, staring Sam & Max, crime fighting comedy duo. (Episode 1 Review)
Well the 6 episodes are supposedly linked but each story is standalone. In this episode, a TV show host named Myra is holding her studio audience hostage, making them endure her boring monotonous show for as long as she pleases, what’s more, she doesn’t even realise she’s doing it. Enter Sam & Max, comedy detective duo, to save the ‘captive’ audience from a life of boredom. To do this they have to gain access to the studio and get into Myra’s studio to bring her to her senses.
Simple as opening your front door. Point at the object you want to interact with, and click on it. This makes it nice and simple for all players, including kids to play. However, it also adds a slight one-dimensional feel to the game, and may bore some players slightly. On the other hand, the gags are ingenious and more than make up for this. The gameplay is very imaginative in places though, particularly in a car chase scene, where you can either drive or get your partner to drive whilst you shoot at the ‘Skin bodies’ who have stolen your shaving cream.
Good soundtrack, well cast and acted voices, no problems with the sound (wish I could say the same about Sam’s Singing)
Graphics wise, as cartoon adventure games go, this is one of the best I’ve seen. A far cry from the earlier point and click adventures, but the graphics could still use improvement, as they do seem slightly dated with the release of some other games. I think that even though they did a good job on the graphics considering that the game is in cartoon form, they could still have improved them to look less flat and add more life.
A very entertaining game, again, one of the best adventure comedy games I’ve seen. Some of the comedy moments are comic genius (a sitcom staring Sam and Max about a pair of ranchers trying to raise a cow in a city apartment block is one example). Some very strange characters also add to the entertainment value. My favourite character has to be Bosco, the shop keeper who in this episode is trying to disguise himself from the aforementioned ‘skin bodies’ as an English gentleman. I can’t say that I enjoyed this as much as some of the monkey island games, but it has certainly gone onto my list of favourites.
Final Thoughts:
A very entertaining game, which can be a little simple and one dimensional at times, but is still good clean fun that can be enjoyed by all ages. I recommend this to people who are already fans of the genre, or have an interest in this kind of game. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and some may find it boring at times. You can get hold of this, and all other episodes (as released) on Telltale’s website for about $6 a piece, or there is a special pack price, with which you get all 6 episodes on a CD next spring for the cost of the postage & packaging.
Better than: Broken Sword: The Angel of Death
Not as good as: The Curse Of / Escape from Monkey Island
The Bad: Can seem dull and one-dimensional